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This blog has been designed most for the benefits of my students. I am interested in spiritual intelligence because I believe it leads to happiness and resilience. If you want copies of my published research (conference papers or articles in journals), feel free to contact me.

Ridhwan (

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Masters of Management: feedback on mid sem

I am marking your papers. Regarding question 1 ("Are you satisfied with your goal setting and time management?"), I am quite surprised to see how many of you feel that you are satisfied with your current goal setting and time management skills. It is one of the irony of personal self-development that when you are satisfied with your skills, you stop improving them. When you are not satisfied with your skills, you will continue to improve these skills..... To use an analogy, improving your skills is like walking up stairs. If you walk a few stairs and then look back, you think, "Wow, I am good. Let me take a rest." Other people will keep up walking up.

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Another soft skills session