My son, now 9 years old, asked me why I was writing a blog about softskills. The question, as naive as it may be, is actually quite a smart one.
First, many people seem to think that they can secure a job because they have the right academic qualifications. Over the last 10 years of teaching, I have realized that employers look for three things:
a) A positive attitude
b) Good soft skills
c) Decent academic knowledge
The whole concept of "soft skills" is a bit vague. This includes basic speaking and writing skills, grooming and so forth. That is not what I am interested in. My perception is that many people have these "basic skills" but cannot progress because their overall perspective is negative.
Of course, everybody knows the importance of being "positive". My experience is that "being positive" is not enough. People have to learn specific skills (active listening, cloud diagrams, logical diagrams)in order to "break out" of the constraints that they have created for themselves. However, once people manage to "shift" their perspective, their whole behaviour becomes much more positive. Unfortunately, many of the "motivational" programs on TV or Radio are almost useless. They deal with generalities and do not allow individuals to figure out why their perspective is misleading.
Modern Chocolates by Nendo Japan
9 years ago