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This blog has been designed most for the benefits of my students. I am interested in spiritual intelligence because I believe it leads to happiness and resilience. If you want copies of my published research (conference papers or articles in journals), feel free to contact me.

Ridhwan (

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

New leadership programmes planned

Well, followers of my blog will realise that I have not done a leadership programme for some time. However, there are two camps planned in April and in May. I am experimenting with new ideas. In particular, I am starting to realise to what extent leaders 'see' things differently. In the two camps planned in April and May, I will try to challenge the perception of my participants. I will do that by combining physical activities (in this case Aikido) and group discussions (no surprise, I will use the Theory of Constraint even though we won't have time for mapping exercises).

The other exciting development is that a group of researchers from the Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines will be meeting me next week to talk about the possibility of developing programmes in Islamic Leadership in the Philippines. So,....wait and see. My blog may not be active in terms of posting but things are happening in the background :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ridhwan,
    I have just discovered your blog on soft skills. I am a soft skills specialist from Australia and very interested in making contact with other people around the world with an interest in this area. My current website is but I am setting up another one in the near future on soft skills for accountants as I am doing a lot of work for accountants in this soft skills area.

    Maree Harris


Another soft skills session